Fidelis Guild Podcast Episode 7


Where has Ekat been?! What we have been up to in game in the last week! Are we a flex raiding guild? Blizz store right inside WoW!? We discuss WoW losing a million subs in three months and how WoW fits into the MMO market! And Ekat is still working on getting transmog for legendarys!

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Pillow Talk Episode 0

A brand new podcast from Fidelis we have recorded 3 total episodes but I got behind editing them and I am working on getting caught up! Here is episode 0!


Tonight on the Podcast we talk about the heavy subject of birth control for under age teens and sex… Lots and lots of sex!

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Fidelis Guild Podcast Episode 4


Tonight on the podcast we go into what each of us have been up to in game and then we go over what the guild has been up to in the last couple weeks! We go into news and talk about flex raiding the new Garrosh models and more! We also slip a bit of lore talk in there as well!

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